A Bit of “Her-Story”:

Born in the summer of love (1967), I grew up in San Diego, California. After Dad moved out when I was 5, it was me, my 2 older sisters, our mom, lots of pets and one tiny bathroom. 

As a child I had love, friends and lots of freedom. My mother introduced me to spiritual principles at an early age. And although I was an overall happy kid, several years were pockmarked with shadows of impoverishment, sibling wars (extreme and abusive at times), and experiences of inappropriate adult behavior (to put it mildly). As a tom-boy, I would have lived outdoors if given the option. Through school I struggled with the harsh inability to be cool. I was a geeky, awkward kid! My animal friends were always my solace – and books. I loved to read and would do so for hours with the dog and cat beside me, hidden away in my secret fort in the yard.

At the age of 8 I had a mystical experience. When lying in the grass with my dogs at the park down the street, my fingers melded with the blades of grass. I began to move as the leaves on the trees, then with the clouds. All fear and sadness vanished. Only an absolute feeling of love existed. Bliss. The sensation of hot tears in my ears brought me “back”. I told no one for many years. It was my sacred secret.  It opened and changed me, and prepared me for my life’s work.

Just after turning 40 I became a widow after only 7 months of marriage. My beloved North’s cancer experience and passing altered my life in ways I never could have imagined. (www.thenorthblog.blogspot.com)

After his death in 2007, I let go of my business, belongings and life as I’d known it. I loaded my dog Barnie into a 27’ motor home and hit the road. After 9 months of a solo healing journey across this great country (www.stefsjournal.blogspot.com) we landed in Colorado and a brand new chapter began.

I love my life here in the foothills of the Rockies! I love whom I get to live it with too! Six years after leaving California I married my best friend, and North’s cousin, Dan, And THAT is a whole OTHER amazing story!

Other random stuff about me: I LOVE animals, both wild and domestic. I cherish my family and think laughter to the point of tears is a gift from God. I must have really good karma because my husband is a great cook! I’ll never outgrow Rock n’ Roll. I’d still rather be outdoors, and I don’t do yoga nearly as much as I should. Oh, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to travel!

And finally, three TRUTHS I live by –

“A miracle is nothing more than a shift in perception.”

“Anything is possible!”

and “Life ROCKS!”

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