
Wow is the word that is coming to me right now. Every time I'm in your energy I'm amazed on how much I awaken, I grow, and I expand. What an incredible experience the visioning session was! You are an extremely bright light on this planet and a blessing to everyone you come in contact with.
Deep gratitude, deep love, deep appreciation.

Kimberly B., Lakewood, CO

There is truly something magical and alchemical that happens when working with Stef. In one of her workshops I moved through years of clogged and distorted old paradigms and pains that I had previously been unable to release. Every time I am with her I leave liberated and infused with fresh possibilities. I can’t say enough about this lady!  Her pure love and high consciousness has truly changed my life!

Chris B. Conifer, CO

Stef’s wisdom, love and generosity is truly boundless.  I have grown profoundly in my capacity to love others, myself and my life.  I could go on and on about how she has helped me awaken and has been a space of zero judgement and total inspiration.  If you want a more fulfilling life, do whatever you can to work with her!

Maureen N., Pacific Beach, CA 

Stef is one of the most loving and heart-centered people I’ve ever encountered.  She provides a safe and supportive sanctuary to explore the light and shadow sides of the spiritual journey and offers unique insights and guidance that work to uncover blocks, hidden fears, unfulfilled potential and life purpose.  She has been an anchor when I’ve been tossed around in the turbulent seas of transformation and a compass guiding me to beautiful new shores where I can express myself authentically and walk confidently on firm sand.  I am so grateful and blessed that she is walking beside me as I travel uncharted paths and explore new horizons of awareness.

Betsy B,  Louisville, CO

Cindy C

Stef is an amazing spiritual leader and practitioner.  She’s an absolute magician when it comes to downloading spiritual wisdom and insight.  I trust her instincts and intuition without reserve and I’d recommend her work to anyone interested in growing themselves and transforming their life.  As I always say when I leave her company, ‘Thank you God for bringing me Stef, and thank you Stef, for bringing me God.”

Diane W.

Stef’s class was such a powerful and profound experience. She creates a truly safe space for deep work. She’s phenomenal! I am so happy we connected!

Coleene F., Denver, CO

Stef is an incredible teacher and mentor! Our work has been enlightening and powerful. When I am in a stressful situation and ungrounded, Stef is persistent in helping me get to the bottom of my issue, and is ever-so-supportive in her mentoring.
Most importantly, she has helped me reclaim my soul, my purpose, my journey and I leave our sessions with renewed strength, confidence and deep inner peace! I am so fortunate I found her. She is a GIFT!

Lyn E.