We’re sold out! Thank you for visiting this page for details about Your Sacred Soul Agreement.

Have you been a seeker on the Spiritual path and feel ready for something deeper?

Your Soul’s evolution is primed for a full realization of your Divine nature, but how to enter into that?

Join us for this five-day intensive retreat and:

  • Access a deeper realization of your Divine Nature and relationship with Spirit-The Creative Universal Intelligence -God
  • Gain clarity as to the ways Spirit is seeking to express Itself more fully as YOU
  • Embrace a form of Spiritual Practice that expands your faith and positive impact in this world
  • Step into a profoundly conscious and awakened way of living and loving yourself and your life

Facilitated by Licensed Practitioners Stef Swink and Sharie Davis (Together we share a combined 30 years experience of successful teaching, facilitating and Spiritual Counseling.)


November 4 – 8, 2019

During this this retreat intensive you will be exposed to advanced teaching tools for awakened living while being guided through the profoundly transformative process of creating a personal Sacred Covenant. This experience will reveal your most natural, beautiful and profound calling and expression. A Sacred Covenant is a Holy Agreement, a Divine Promise or “soul contract.” A completed Covenant takes the form of a “conscious living document” that reveals the “agreement” between your unique soul and the Divine (or God/Goddess/Spirit/The Universe/Creator). The purpose of creating a Sacred Covenant is to assist you in developing clarity of mind about the divine inspirations that are seeking to express themselves through you.

Based on the course “Living My Life Purpose” created by Rev’s Lloyd Strom and Marcia Sutton

Ultimately, a Sacred Covenant serves as a powerful anchor and clear guide into living your purpose. The result is deep fulfillment. Living in Covenant Relationship provides an unwavering anchor and guide when navigating change or doing what is yours to do in the world. It is a tool of faith that activates and radiates your greatest Self.

Our retreat takes place in one of the most gorgeous, sacred and peaceful spots of old growth rain forest in the Pacific Northwest.

 Alton Collins Retreat Center is located approximately 45 minutes from the Portland International Airport (PDX).

Our experience will be profoundly enhanced through the gift of live music throughout the week with Rev. Dr. SuZ Ogden.

Location: Alton Collins Retreat Center, Eagle Creek, OR

(35 miles southeast of Portland) CollinsRetreatCenter.org

Dates: Monday, November 4, 2019 to Friday, November 8, 2019

(Activities begin with dinner on Monday and conclude at noon on Friday)

Investment: $1,395

(Inclusive of private room and bath, catered meals and materials)

Enrollment: This intensive is open to 20 participants. We expect it will sell out quickly.